Elect Best graduation photographer in the world in 2020, graduation photography


How long until this dreamt moment to arrive… the Graduation!

The big day is full of emotion, those butterflies in the stomach, all the memories of so many challenges, all the nights being awake, lots of work and achievements! The dearest achievements!

How to hold the whirlwind of emotions, which insists to explode on an unforgettable and unique moment?

Our mission is to take care of one of the most important moments of your life, creating lively memories, full of feelings, cherishing the essence from this day in a unique way.

Live intensely each second! Hold your family close celebrate with your friends and let your heart to overwhelm itself in happiness enjoying this magic moment to the fullest!

Take a deep breath, your name will be called and you may fell all your body pulsating! Imagine the sensation of receiving all the merit and appreciation for the achievement of everything you have dreamt about!

We will record everything for you to keep, review, feel and live your story ALL over again! The same way, with the same intensity! So… Enjoy and live intensely!

Lyriane Solonynka

Formatura Administração

Letícia Luchese

Formatura Medicina

Felipe Pacheco

Formatura Comunicação Social

Paula Gruman

Formatura Psicologia

Diogo Ferreira

Formatura Publicidade e Propaganda